Dr. Stuart Ralph BVSc, EMBA



Cat lover.

Queensland Veterinary Registration

Member of AAFP (American Association of Feline Practitioners)

Member of VIN (Veterinary Information Network).

  • Why WellCat?

    After working as a veterinarian for 25 years, I became burnt out.  I stopped working in physical practice and took time to heal, and reassess my options. I realised the part of being a veterinarian that I liked the most was talking to and helping pet owners. So I decided to focus on an idea that had been niggling at the back of my mind for quite a while....a business that focuses just on cats, with the goal of making the lives of all cats better by helping cat owners. It has taken a while, but finally, WellCat is here. 

  • Veterinary Life

    My first job was in Rotherham, South Yorkshire in the United Kingdom. Although I planned on staying for a year, I eventually returned to Australia 15 years later. Since returning I have worked in Hobart, Canberra and the Sunshine Coast. Over this time I have seen how different practices work, been exposed to different ideas and processes, and have spoken to many, many different types of pet owners. 

  • Always Learning

    I have completed an EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration) through the University of the Sunshine  Coast. As veterinarians, we are not taught how to run a business. I understood that I needed to learn new skills to help cat owners, and thoroughly enjoyed my two years of learning with a group of diverse and interesting classmates and lecturers at USC. They helped prepare me to branch out from clinical practice, in a way that I hope will provide help to the many cat owners in the world.