
Head of Dispatch and Delivery.

Chief Chair Warmer.

Funny Cat.

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About Minna

Minna is our special cat.....(everyone has one!).

She was two years old when we took her on, and she had already had three owners. 

One was an elderly relative whom we adopted her for, but it didn't work out, as Minna had a special, and annoying quirk....she will not use a litter tray. We tried different trays, different litter, and different locations, but she just would not use them.

We trialled medication for anxiety and behaviour, and it eased it a bit but didn't stop it altogether. So we managed the situation. For the first eighteen months, Minna just sat on a chair and got off to just to eat. We would take her outside after a meal, and she would do her toileting, then come back inside. Now, 2 years later, she rarely makes a mess inside, and that is generally only if it is wet, or we forget to take her outside.  

She has also started to show her true character, and has even tried to play with Skoda....but given she doesn't know how, it is not always successful (especially in Skoda's mind).

We love Minna, and wouldn't be without her.  We are grateful that she has finally accepted us, and has revealed to us her true character.